

Democracy 2.0: A Voting System for the Modern Age

Civic engagement through democracy is one of America’s core values. Across all 50 states representatives are elected by the wishes of the people, and while voting rights have expanded over the centuries, still only a fraction of the eligible voting-age population engages in elections. A common reason given by those that don’t vote is that they feel disillusioned with the voting process, either because they don’t believe that any of the candidates represent their views, or because they feel that...

It’s Live!

In Seattle, concert enthusiasts have lots of options. With the abundance of large and small venues, seasonal festivals, and do-it-yourself (DIY) basement shows, people who like to see live music can do it in lots of ways. While concerts might not appeal to everyone that listens to music, they’re an essential part of any musical community because they serve as meeting places for like-minded artists. The idea of dozens, if not hundreds, of frenzied people packing into a room just...

Literacy Narrative

Language isn’t a genetic trait, but there is some expectation that children will inherit it from their parents. As many people born in multilingual families can tell you, however, this isn’t always true. In my household there are three languages spoken: English, the common language spoken by all of us and the only language my brothers and I know; Kikuyu, a regional language of central Kenya spoken between my mom and dad; and Swahili, the trade language of East Africa...

The NSA’s Internet Issues

Almost two years have passed since the National Security Agency’s (NSA) global internet surveillance program was uncovered. The initial reaction by the public was divided, with some people supporting the programs because they believed the benefits were greater than their flaws, and others opposing them because they thought the consequences didn’t justify the gain. Now that there’s been time to process the information, we can clearly look at the effects it’s had on privacy, the American tech economy, and international...

The Usual Suspects: Turning Prison Reform Into Reality for Black Americans

            As we all witnessed during the lockdown of 2020, George Floyd’s murder sparked movements across the country. In the aftermath, there were deeper questions left to be answered. Does sending someone to prison always bring a benefit to the community? With many of the prisoners in the United States of America being Black, it is a result of the use of race in enforcing laws and determining sentences, not because of any greater rates of committing crimes. I believe...

Spending Dollars on Music Diplomacy

            When somebody listens to music, they might be unaware of all of the factors that have lead to that moment, from political decisions, economic factors, military engagements, and diplomatic negotiations, that have transpired. In many respects, music is another sphere of international discourse, with governments spending efforts to gain their share. Music diplomacy sends an economic message as well as a political message, that a citizen does not need to be extremely wealthy for their voice to be heard,...

Adapting Hip Hop to Heal Addiction Patients

            The album “Good Kid M.A.A.D City” by Kendrick Lamar is helpful in a music therapy program directed young adults in a rehabilitation program for those recovering from drug addiction or alcoholism, because it contains themes that reference how people use these substances in their social life, and the detrimental effects it can have. Much of the album revolves around settings such as nightclubs, house parties, driving with friends, and other social gatherings, and this is a reflection of the...