

A Problem of Non-Local Communication

Is it possible to communicate using particles entangled together over large distances, while traveling faster than the speed of light? Normally there is the condition that matter cannot travel faster than the constant speed limit of light and this will prevent matter from being used to communicate information. A way around this is to have a series of boxes of matter, grouped in pairs of entangled particles, and separated by a far distance. The initial ordering will be by character...

Sense of Higher Order

Do you believe in mysticism? Have you seriously considered that we are multi-dimensional, temporal shifting, theoretically based and spiritually focused, as well as physically extant beings? There are many things that our minds are capable of, that would defy any logical explanation. To describe further would take a leap of faith for the reader: With this, bounded by our morals and values, we should seek to uplift one another and view the best qualities of each other. Throughout remember the...

Future of African Development

The sad fact that the Kenyan economy is on a downward trend, is surprising only because of how low of a stage it has been in for so long. Regardless of who was the successor of the last presidential election, would it have made a difference who was elected, or simply would they have been left holding the bag of the previous administration? In any other situation, demonstrations would have come after the election, but this seems like a protracted...

Democracy 2.0: A Voting System for the Modern Age

Civic engagement through democracy is one of America’s core values. Across all 50 states representatives are elected by the wishes of the people, and while voting rights have expanded over the centuries, still only a fraction of the eligible voting-age population engages in elections. A common reason given by those that don’t vote is that they feel disillusioned with the voting process, either because they don’t believe that any of the candidates represent their views, or because they feel that...

It’s Live!

In Seattle, concert enthusiasts have lots of options. With the abundance of large and small venues, seasonal festivals, and do-it-yourself (DIY) basement shows, people who like to see live music can do it in lots of ways. While concerts might not appeal to everyone that listens to music, they’re an essential part of any musical community because they serve as meeting places for like-minded artists. The idea of dozens, if not hundreds, of frenzied people packing into a room just...

Literacy Narrative

Language isn’t a genetic trait, but there is some expectation that children will inherit it from their parents. As many people born in multilingual families can tell you, however, this isn’t always true. In my household there are three languages spoken: English, the common language spoken by all of us and the only language my brothers and I know; Kikuyu, a regional language of central Kenya spoken between my mom and dad; and Swahili, the trade language of East Africa...

The NSA’s Internet Issues

Almost two years have passed since the National Security Agency’s (NSA) global internet surveillance program was uncovered. The initial reaction by the public was divided, with some people supporting the programs because they believed the benefits were greater than their flaws, and others opposing them because they thought the consequences didn’t justify the gain. Now that there’s been time to process the information, we can clearly look at the effects it’s had on privacy, the American tech economy, and international...

Mercurial Observation

I’ve noticed a curiosity, pardon my pun, about the way the shape of this geographic feature on Mercury resembles the shape of the continent of Africa? Drainage map of Africa;...